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  Disabling Find Fast  
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Disabling Find Fast (TTID #10)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 19,426 /  Created: January 1, 2001 Find Fast - a Microsoft Office component

If you've been using Windows 95 or Windows 98 for a while, you may notice that your disk drive will start thrashing at seemingly random intervals. If you have Microsoft Office installed, Find Fast is one possible cause of this. Find Fast periodically indexes the hard drive so it can search for files faster. Unfortunately, I've seen Fast Find do this at really inconvenient times. Follow the steps below to disable it.

1.) Delete the shortcut Microsoft Find Fast from the Folder StartUp.

2.) Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

3.) Double-click on the Find Fast icon.

4.) Select the C: drive.

5.) On the Index menu, click Delete Index.

6.) In the In and below box, click the location of the Find Fast index you want to delete. Click the OK button.

7.) Click the OK button on this dialog, to confirm the deletion of the index.

8.) On the Index menu, click Update Interval.

9.) Enter a new interval. Click the OK button.

Note: When you change the automatic update interval, the new interval affects each of your Find Fast indexes.

WARNING: Setting the interval to 0 causes Find Fast to update the index continuously.

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