TACKtech Corp. > Articles > Software > Tips, Tricks, Tweaks, and Setting
+Tips, Tricks, Tweaks, and Setting
|-Bypassing the Recycle Bin when deleting files (TTID #167)
|-Change Screen Resolution in Windows (TTID #207)
|-Change the size of Icons (TTID #57)
|-Disabling Find Fast (TTID #10)
|-FREE Microsoft Plus 95 Components (TTID #28)
|-Move a window when its title bar is off the screen (TTID #56)
|-Other Speed Increases (TTID #11)
|-Prevent display of the delete confirmation dialog box (TTID #168)
|-Show the Quick Launch Toolbar (TTID #347)
|-Shrink the Volume Control Dialog Box (TTID #29)
|-SysTray clock display military style time (TTID #53)