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10.05.2005 - Softros Systems, Inc: Softros LAN Messenger 3.6 Beta 5

View Softros-Messenger related news. Softros LAN messenger is a secure network messaging software application for corporate LANs (local area networks). It does not require a server and is very easy to install and use. Softros LAN Messenger comes with a variety of handy features such as message notification alarms, personal or group messaging, file transfer and an intuitive interface. Softros LAN Messenger offers strong encryption options for all incoming and outgoing messages, guaranteeing no unauthorized person ever reads personal correspondence. The program is very stable when running under any Windows operating system and on a TCP/IP network of any size. Softros LAN Messenger also correctly identifies and works under Windows NT/2000/XP limited user accounts (without administrative privileges).

- Download Softros Messenger Beta (Trial)
- Purchase Softros LAN Messenger
- View Additional Information
- Visit Softros Systems, Inc.

NID: 8721 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team does not support the use of pirated software. Please, legally purchase the registered full version instead of using a "free" crack, keygen, registration code or serial number to a program that you have not paid for. You support future software development by not using cracks, keygens, illegally downloaded versions via .torrent files, or serial keys that are not your own.
Categories: Communication and Messaging, Trial Version
Most recent Softros-Messenger related news.
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