02.16.2010 - Slysoft, Inc.: Game Jackal Pro
Game Jackal Pro is the ultimate must have killer app for the PC gamer! If you, like most gamers, find it annoying looking for and inserting the CD-ROM for your favorite game each time you play it, then Game Jackal Pro is for you.
- A number of driver bug fixes and improvements including.
1) Better handling of media errors.
2) Under some instances the drivers could deactivate before the profile is shutdown, this has been fixed.
3) Improved resource handling (i.e. lower memory footprint).
4) Better debug support.
- Fixed a profile issue that was causing read errors on some hardware.
- Fixed an issue with the media type detection.
- Changed fast "error skipping" routine used during capture. By default this is only enabled on CD-ROM's (registry setting are "Fast Error Skip Mode" = 0: disabled, 1: cdrom only, 2: any media. Default = 1).
- Improved the image mode profiling functionality.
- A backup of the license key is now retained. This is to prevent the license key being deleted if v3 is uninstalled after v4 is installed.
- When deleting a profile, the client interface is now refreshed correctly.
- The uninstaller will now stop the Game Jackal service before attempting to remove the server component(s).
- Updated Arabic and Spanish languages.
- Added two new skins.
- Download Game Jackal Pro
- Purchase Game Jackal Pro (€29.00 EUR)
- View Additional Information
- View Revision History
- Visit Slysoft, Inc.
NID: 36344 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
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Patches and Updates, Slysoft, System Utility, Trial Version
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Slysoft, Inc.: Game Jackal Pro
Slysoft, Inc.: Game Jackal Pro
Slysoft, Inc.: Game Jackal Pro
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