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10.15.2010 - Nero AG: Nero 10 Multimedia Suite 10.5.10500

View Nero related news. Nero Multimedia Suite 10 excels your multimedia power with a collection of three products bundled into one powerful suite. It’s loaded with advanced video editing features, media organizer and player, superior burning software, reliable backup technology, and special multimedia tools to enhance your music, photos and videos.

Nero 10 Multimedia Suite Highlights:

Video Editing with Nero Vision Xtra™
  • Search quickly, play back and easily arrange all your music, photos and videos all in one place
  • Utilize cutting-edge video editing tools (picture-in-picture, full keyframe control, master effect track and assorted special effects and transitions) in a true multi-track timeline to achieve advanced personal touches
  • Create High Definition DVD, and Blu-ray Disc movies using SmartEncoding for faster HD video output, and author Blu-ray Discs with 24 progressive frame high-quality cinema-style format
  • Media player for all most popular audio, video and photo formats such as AVCHD, MKV, FLV, FLAC, DVD, MPEG-4 AVC, (S)-VCD, AVCREC and Audio CDs, plus music playlists and slideshows
  • Burn music, photos and videos to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs, or share to social communities
Burning with Nero Burning ROM™
  • Ensure your discs are readable regardless of scratches, age, or deterioration with SecurDisc technology
  • Drag and drop files to burn and copy to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs or save disc images
  • Split oversized files to burn onto multiple discs
  • Add extra security protection to your data by adding personal passwords and encryption
  • Experience superior playback quality from your burned content
  • Make flawless copies of your discs with reliable, uninterrupted burns
Backup with Nero BackItUp & Burn™
  • One-click Autobackup without reconfiguring computer settings
  • SecurDisc technology - Ensure data readability, increase the chance of retrieving your files, protect your data from unintended alterations, and verify the originator of the data
  • Easily back up data to hard drive, CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, FTP, memory card and online storage
  • Restore personal data after a computer crash or accident
  • Recover deleted and damaged files from hard drives, CDs, DVDs, flash storage and floppy discs
  • Back up files and folders to multiple devices at once
Nero Multimedia Suite 10 Platinum HD has everything that’s included in Nero Multimedia Suite 10 plus:
  • Playback Blu-ray Discs in stunning picture and sound quality
  • Transfer and convert photos, music and videos between mobile devices (iPod®, iPhone®, Android™ phones and more)
  • Nero PiP Effect Pack simplifies the complete visual overlay generation, timing, and animation of moving path effect patterns with predefined templates
  • 25 extra high quality Movie Themes and 25 extra Menu Templates
  • Free 5GB Nero Online Backup storage for one full year
- Download Nero Multimedia Suite 10 (Update)
- Purchase Nero 10 Multimedia Suite Platinum HD ($129.99 USD)
- Purchase Nero 10 Multimedia Suite ($99.99 USD)
- Purchase Nero 10 Ultra Edition Upgrade
- View Additional Information (Multimedia Suite)
- View Additional Information (Multimedia Suite Platinum HD)
- Visit Nero AG

NID: 35626 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team does not support the use of pirated software. Please, legally purchase the registered full version instead of using a "free" crack, keygen, registration code or serial number to a program that you have not paid for. You support future software development by not using cracks, keygens, illegally downloaded versions via .torrent files, or serial keys that are not your own.
Categories: Backup Applications, CD and DVD Applications, Patches and Updates, Trial Version
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