01.31.2010 - Top 5 Planet V12n blog posts week 03
Top 5 Planet V12n blog posts week 03
I’ll keep it short this time as I seriously need to get some sleep.
- Scott Sauer - VMware Data Recovery (vDR) Overview
The underlying backup technology behind vDR is the new vStorage API
(Not VCB), it takes advantage of a new feature called change block
tracking.  After the first full backup is performed, Change block
tracking examines the virtual disk being backed up and only backs up
the differences from the first backup.  This means less backup traffic
going across your network.
- Hany Michael - Diagram: ESX Memory Management and Monitoring v1.0
diagram madness
- Theron Conrey - vmware view linux live cd howto
It’s interesting to note, with some additional configurations within susesudio, some tweaking to lock down the gnome desktop, and some more polish, you could easily provide the full thin client experience, completely removing the users ability to launch any other applications, as well as the option to install this “os” locally for longer POCs.
- Eric Siebert - The top blog full voting results
Here’s a table with the vote totals for all the VMware/virtualization
blogs included in the survey, there were a few others that only had 1
or two votes that I didn’t include. Total votes includes any vote a
blog received whether it was 1 through 10. Total points is the sum of
each vote times it’s appropriate weight for the position (#1 vote = 10
points, #2 vote = 9 points, all the way down to a #10 vote = 1 point).
- Simon Seagrave - VMware P2V – Easy Method to Remove HP Agents and Utilities
When running an HP Proliant server whether it be Windows or Linux based
chances are that it has management agents and a handful of utilities
relating to the HP server installed and running.  Of course this is
fine whilst the operating system is running directly on the physical HP
hardware but once it has been P2V’ed and abstracted from this physical
layer the OS is running on what it thinks is generic non-HP hardware. 
This means that there is no need for any of these drivers or utilities.
So as to free up valuable system resource and reduce the risk of any
issues from any of these HP utilities or agents continuing to run on
this non-HP hardware it is best practice to remove them all.
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