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12.14.2008 - Apache Group: Apache HTTP Server 2.2.11

View Apache related news. The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.

Changes with Apache 2.2.11:
  • core: When the ap_http_header_filter processes an error bucket, cleanup the passed brigade before returning AP_FILTER_ERROR down the filter chain. This unambiguously ensures the same error bucket isn't revisited [Ruediger Pluem]
  • core: Error responses set by filters were being coerced into 500 errors, sometimes appended to the original error response. Log entry of: 'Handler for (null) returned invalid result code -3' [Eric Covener]
  • configure: Don't reject libtool 2.x PR 44817 [Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (Arfrever.FTA]
  • mod_autoindex: add configuration option to insert string in HTML HEAD (IndexHeadInsert). [Nick Kew]
  • Add new LogFormat parameter, %k, which logs the number of keepalive requests on this connection for this request. PR 45762 [Dan Poirier (poirier, Jim Jagielski]
  • Export and install the mod_rewrite.h header to ensure the optional rewrite_mapfunc_t and ap_register_rewrite_mapfunc functions are available to third party modules. [Graham Leggett]
  • mod_cache: Convert age of cached object to seconds before comparing it to age supplied by the request when checking whether to send a Warning header for a stale response. PR 39713. [Owen Taylor (otaylor]
  • Build: Correctly set SSL_LIBS during openssl detection if pkgconfig is not available. PR 46018 [Ruediger Pluem]
  • mod_proxy_ajp: Do not fail if response data is sent before all request data is read. PR 45911 [Ruediger Pluem]
  • mod_proxy_balancer: Add in forced recovery for balancer members if all are in error state. [Mladen Turk]
  • mod_proxy: Prevent segmentation faults by correctly adjusting the lifetime of the buckets read from the proxy backend. PR 45792 [Ruediger Pluem]
  • mod_expires: Do not sets negative max-age / Expires header in the past. PR 39774 [Jim Jagielski]
  • mod_info: Was displaying the wrong value for the KeepAliveTimeout value. [Jim Jagielski]
  • mod_proxy_ajp: Fix wrongly formatted requests where client sets Content-Length header, but doesn't provide a body. Servlet container always expects that next packet is body whenever C-L is present in the headers. This can lead to wrong interpretation of the packets. In this case send the empty body packet, so container can deal with that. [Mladen Turk]
  • core: Add ap_timeout_parameter_parse to public API. [Ruediger Pluem]
  • mod_proxy: Add the possibility to set the worker parameters connectiontimeout and ping in milliseconds. [Ruediger Pluem]
  • Worker MPM: Crosscheck that idle workers are still available before using them and thus preventing an overflow of the worker queue which causes a SegFault. PR 45605 [Denis Ustimenko (denusk]
  • Windows: Always build the odbc dbd driver on windows, to be consistent with the apr-util default. [Tom Donovan]
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NID: 25947 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
Categories: Internet Applications, Open Source, Server Applications
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