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06.26.2012 - Doomsday 1.9.8-1

View Doom related news. The Doomsday Engine allows you to play the classic first-person shooters DOOM, Heretic, and Hexen using modern technology, with hardware accelerated 3D graphics, surround sound and much more.

The only thing you need is the data files from the original games — Doomsday takes care of the rest.

DOOM and its follow-ups are timeless classics that made the first-person shooter genre popular among gamers. Those fortunate enough to have experienced the games as they were released back in the early 1990s are sure to remember the fluid gameplay and the intense, immersive look and feel. However, by today's standards, the games look and sound dated. This is where Doomsday comes in: we have replaced much of the original engine's technology with a more modern implementation. We aim to provide the same thrilling gameplay experience for today's gamers.

The Doomsday Engine runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix (including Ubuntu, other Linux) operating systems and is available for download free of charge.

- Download Doomsday Engine
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- Visit Doomsday Engine

NID: 263 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
Categories: General
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