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04.28.2004 - Postal 2 Patch v1.337

View Postal related news. Launched in November 1997 and followed in February 1998 by the add-on Special Delivery and in April 2001 by the compilation Postal Plus, Postal wasn't a huge commercial hit, scoring just 250.000 copies.

This wasn't because it was a poor isometric action game but because it was forbidden in many countries (Germany, Australia, South Korea and partially in USA) due to its excessively violent scenes being considered, today also, one of the most disputed games of all times.

This fact didn't convince Running With Scissors, true to "The Postman Always Rings Twice" quote from James M. Cain's (1934) novel and also from the two movies, 1946 and 1981, to give up the idea of making Postal 2.

- Download Postal 2 Patch (Direct Link)
- View Additional Information
- Visit Running With Scissors (Developers)
- Visit Go Postal!

NID: 202 / Submitted by: Zero_Tolerance
Categories: General
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