09.16.2004 - TopCMM Software Technologies: 123 Flash Chat server software 3.0
TopCMM Software Technologies (Shanghai, China) released 123 flash chat server software 3.0, now the 123flashchat owners can run their live chat profitably. With the banner ad plug-in feature in 123flashchat V3.0, banners can be easily inserted to the chat so that chat owners can get payment from the advertisers, additionally, chat owners can promote their own products or websites as well. The banner ad plug-in feature of 123flashchat V3.0 can greatly help the chat owners to relief the pressure on the budget and cover the cost on the chat software, especially for the non-profit website, personal website, small scale website, etc. The website owners are able to raise more funds for their further development. AS the ad banners are tagged closely with the chat software in all the chat pages, all the ad banners can be displayed continuously. Take a small website with 50 concurrent visitors for example, if five rotating banners are launched, with a duration of five seconds for each one, then every month the five banners can be displayed about 518400 times. Chat owner can obtain a considerable payment from the advertisers, which is a most effective and continuous economic resource for a website.
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