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  uTorrent related Technical Updates [Page: 5 of 5] @ TACKtech Corp.  

02.03.2009 - µTorrent 1.8.2 (Build 14458) Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 26837 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

02.02.2009 - µTorrent 1.8.2 (Build 14442) Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 26836 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.24.2009 - µTorrent 1.8.2 (Build 14153) Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 26633 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

10.07.2008 - µTorrent 1.8.1 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 24613 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

08.09.2008 - µTorrent 1.8 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 23492 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.26.2008 - µTorrent 1.7.7 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 20156 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.15.2008 - µTorrent 1.7.6 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 19996 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

09.11.2007 - µTorrent 1.7.5 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 17960 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

09.06.2007 - µTorrent 1.7.4 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 17959 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

09.05.2007 - µTorrent 1.7.3 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 17733 / Submitted by: Olmari

07.21.2007 - µTorrent 1.7.2 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 16911 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

04.13.2007 - µTorrent 1.6.1 Stable released 02.14.2007

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent is currently undergoing alpha testing for protocol encryption (to be compatible with Azureus) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 15644 / Submitted by: Travis

07.01.2006 - µTorrent 1.6 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent is currently undergoing alpha testing for protocol encryption (to be compatible with Azureus) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 11192 / Submitted by: Olmari

03.08.2006 - µTorrent 1.5 Stable (build 437)

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent is currently undergoing alpha testing for protocol encryption (to be compatible with Azureus) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 9810 / Submitted by: Olmari

01.11.2006 - µTorrent 1.4 Stable

View uTorrent related news. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent is currently undergoing alpha testing for protocol encryption (to be compatible with Azureus) and peer exchange.
Full View / NID: 9333 / Submitted by: Olmari
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