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  Application Compatibility (Windows XP)  
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Application Compatibility (Windows XP) (TTID #93)

Author: Kevin   Views: 38,493 /  Created: April 14, 2002
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Added April 10, 2002 ( Q319580)
102 Dalmations Puppies to the Rescue - Disney
Audigy Utilities - Creative Labs
AVIChop - Vasili Papaconstantinou
B-17 Flying Fortress - Microprose
Backweb Lite Installer - BackWeb
Emergency Fighters for Life - WizardWorks
FIFA 2002 - EA Sports
Grokster - Grokster, Ltd
Half-Life CounterStrike - Sierra
Hoyle Card Games 5 - Sierra
Humongous Registration Program - Humongous Entertainment
IConfig - SCM Microsystems Inc.
Jamella Diablo II Editor - Jamella
Jekyll and Hyde - DreamCatcher Interactive
KaZaA - Sharman Networks 2002
Midtown Madness - Microsoft
Midtown Madness 2 - Microsoft
Moon Tycoon - Legacy Interactive
MTV TRL Trivia - Take2 Interactive
Need For Speed: Porshe Unleashed - Electronic Arts
NHL 2002 - EA Sports
Official Formula 1 Racing - EIDOS
PhotoDeluxe Business Edition 1.0 - Adobe
The Playa - Project Mayo
PrintMaster 4.0 - MindScape
Sasami 2000 - Nuclei
SimMania for Kids: SimPark - Maxis
SimMania for Kids: SimTunes - Maxis
SimMania for Kids: Widget Workshop - Maxis
TaxCut Deluxe 2001 - Block Financial Software
Triple Play 2002 - EA Sports
Ventura 8: CorelDraw - Corel
Works 2001: Calendar - Microsoft

Added December 17, 2001 ( Q313484)
Beyond Atlantis 1.0--DreamCatcher Games
CDSPACE 4.0--Space International
Corel PhotoPaint 9--Corel Corporation (Only the international versions [East Asian languages] are affected)
Corel Print Office 2000--Corel Corporation
Encyclopedia Britannica 2002--Britannica
Gnotella 1.0.3--Gnotella
Grand Theft Auto 2--RockStar Games
HP Easy Internet Access--Hewlett-Packard
ICONFIG--SCM Microsystems Inc.
Lotus Approach 9.0--Lotus Development Corp.
Math Shop Deluxe--Scholastic
Namco History Vol.2--Namco (Only the international versions [East Asian languages] are affected)
Norton Antivirus 7.x--Symantec Corporation
Norton Ghost Explorer--Symantec Corporation
PageKeeper Pro 3.0--Caere
PCAnywhere 10--Symantec Corporation
PCAnywhere 9.2--Symantec Corporation
PhotoDelux for Family--Adobe (Only the international versions [East Asian languages] are affected)
Remote Center (Rcenter.exe)--Creative Labs
ServerStart 4.07.03 Serverview Management--Fujitsu
Shock Price 500: Gomoku Narabe--Sony Music Entertainment Japan (International version only affected)
Shock Price 500: Hasami Shogi--Sony Music Entertainment Japan (International version affected)
Shock Price 500: Quiz500--Sony Music Entertainment Japan (International version only affected)
Tiger Woods 99--EA Sports (Only the international versions [East Asian languages] are affected)
Toy Story Activity Center--Disney Interactive
Microsoft Windows 2000 Administration Tools (International versions only affected)
Microsoft Works 2000: Japanese- Hagaki2000--Microsoft
ZoneAlarm--Zone Labs Inc.

Added October 25, 2001 ( Q308381)
American Deerhunting 2000 (Interplay Productions)
Approach Millennium 9.1 (Lotus Development Corp.)
Approach Millennium 9.5 (Lotus Development Corp.)
Approach Millennium 9.6 (Lotus Development Corp.)
Bicycle Totally Cool Card Pack (Expert Software, Inc.)
Creative RemoteCenter (Creative Technology)
Deer Avenger 3D (Simon & Schuster Interactive)
Design Draw 7.0 (Micrografx)
Drakan: Order of the Flame (Psygnosis)
Draw 10 (Corel Corporation) (International versions only (East Asian Languages) affected)
Draw 9 (Corel Corporation) (International versions only (East Asian Languages) affected)
Dreamweaver 4.0 (Macromedia)
DreamWeaver UltraDev 4 (Macromedia)
Easy CD Creator 4.02 (Roxio)
Gangsters Platinum Edition (Eidos Interactive)
Hades Challenge (Disney)
Laplink PCsync 2.0 (LapLink, Inc.)
Laplink Professional 2.0a (LapLink, Inc.)
Logical Journey of the Zoombinis Deluxe
MasterCook Suite 6.0 (Sierra On-Line, Inc.)
Money 2000 (Microsoft) (International versions only affected)
Nero 5.5 (Ahead Software)
Norton Antivirus 2001 (Symantec Corporation)
Organizer 5.01 (Lotus Development Corp.)
Organizer 5.02 (Lotus Development Corp.)
Organizer 6.0 (Lotus Development Corp.)
PageMaker 6.5 Plus (Adobe Systems, Inc.)
Post-It Notes 2.1 (3M Software Media)
Pro Pinball Classics (Interplay Productions)
Radio Disney Music Mix Studio (Disney)
Rational Suite Enterprise (Rational)
RealPlayer 7.0 (Real Networks) (International versions only (Chinese) affected)
SmartSuite Release 9.6 (Lotus Development Corp.)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney Studios)
Taikou Rissiden 2 (KOEI Co. Ltd.)
The Master Genealogist 4.0 D (Wholly Genes)
VirusScan 4.5 (McAfee Associates, Inc.)
VirusScan 5.16 (McAfee Associates, Inc.)
VirusScan 5.21 (McAfee Associates, Inc.)
Visual Caf é 3.0 (Symantec Corporation) (International versions only (Chinese) affected)
Walt Disney Biography (Disney)
Winning Post 3 with PowerUP Kit (KOEI) (International version only (Japanese) affected)
Works Suite 2001 (Microsoft)

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