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  What is registered memory?  
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What is registered memory? (TTID #62)

Author: Travis   Views: 35,726 /  Created: August 18, 2001
Have you ever wondered what registered memory is and what it is used for? Well we have the answer. There have been many misunderstandings about registered memory. Registered memory is a type of buffered memory. When you have registered memory the memory board will have a chip called a register. The register clocks in and clocks out the data by the system clock. Registered modules are slightly slower than non-registered modules, because the registering process takes one clock cycle. Have registered memory improves data transfer by "re-driving" the control signals in the memory chips. A old rumor said if you use more then 512MB of memory you must use registered memory. This statement isn't fully true. If your motherboard doesn't support registered memory then you don't have to worry about registered memory period. But if your motherboard does support registered memory such as the Intel L440GX+ motherboard then if you want to use more then 1024MB of memory you must use registered memory. This is all dependent of your motherboard. If you look at the Intel T440BX for example you can use regular modules up too 384MB of memory and 768MB of registered memory modules. If you wish to know what type of memory your motherboard or computer can use then check out They have a very nice list of what will fit your motherboard or computer. Just pick your computer or motherboard maker and then model and it will tell you what type of memory is available to you.

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