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  Making Windows 2000 Setup Disks  
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Making Windows 2000 Setup Disks (TTID #54)

Author: Kevin   Views: 21,470 /  Created: July 22, 2001
First determine the drive letter of your CD-ROM. This can be done by Double-Clicking on My Computer. As you can see below our CD-ROM is drive letter D:

You can now close the My Computer Window.

Next you will need four blank floppy diskettes.

1. Insert the Windows 2000 CDROM
    (If the CD auto runs close it)

2. Click Start / Run
3. In the Open Box type:
    <drive:>\bootdisk\makeboot a:
    (In our case the CD-ROM drive is D:)

You'll be prompted to insert the fours disks in sequence.

The setup diskettes can be make from MSDOS as well. Just make sure to load a CD-ROM driver.

At the MSDOS prompt type:
    makeboot a:

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