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  Fix for missing USB Drive in My Computer  
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Fix for missing USB Drive in My Computer (TTID #400)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 29,168 /  Created: May 5, 2007
Problem: An external device (USB drive, Thumb Drive, Memory Stick, Camera, Firewire drive, external hard drive, Card Reader) is plugged in and is not being displayed in My Computer.

Reason: Windows is assigning the external device a letter that is already in use. This usually happens if there are multiple external drives attached or if there are mapped network drives.

Solution: Follow this Step-By-Step Guide to resolve this problem.

(Note: If you are using a U3 enabled device you may be required to repeat the instuctions for both partitions of the device.)

Right-Click the My Computer icon.
(Note: The My Computer will be displayed either on the Desktop or Start Panel.)

Left-Click Manage on the popup menu.

On the Computer Management window:

Select Storage > Disk Management, from the Computer Managment console tree.

Right-Click on your Removable Device's Partition.

Left-Click on Change Drive Letter and Paths... on the popup menu.

Click the Change... button.

Select a new Drive Letter from the drop-down menu.
(Hint: Select a drive letter that isn't shown in My Computer.)

Click the OK button.

Click the Yes button.

Close the Computer Management window.

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