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  Remove U3 from a USB Device  
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Remove U3 from a USB Device [Page: 1 of 2] (TTID #391)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 100,034 /  Created: March 1, 2007
U3 Removal
There are several reasons to remove U3 from a USB drive.
  • Company policy prohibits the use of devices with the U3 Launchpad.
  • Gain additional storage space on the USB device (approximately 6MB).
  • Operating System incompatibility.
  • Two drive letters required instead of one.

What is U3?
U3 is a hardware platform that converts standard USB drives into multifunctional, intelligent storage devices called Smart Drives. These devices, produced by several manufacturers, are branded with the 'U3 smart' logo.

Why you should consider keeping U3?
U3 Smart Devices can be used to transport your favorite ‘U3 Smart software’, developed by well-known software producers. ‘U3 Smart software’ enables you to carry your emails, calendar, personal preferences anywhere you go. Additional U3-compatible applications can be acquired from Software Central an association of U3 Smart software producers.

Words of caution:
U3 removal is officially considered permanent.
[Some 3rd party applications promise to be able to restore U3.]

Use of the U3 Uninstall application may damage the USB device.

Backup the data stored on the USB device.

Download U3Uninstall.exe application. [Download Now!]

Double-Click the U3Uninstall.exe icon.

Wait for the U3 Uninstall application to locate the U3 Smart Device.

Click the Next> button.

Select the Yes. This will take less than 1 minute to complete the operation
if you want the data from the drive to be restored after the drive is reformatted.

Select the No. All the data on the USB drive will be destroyed and cannot be recovered
if you do not want the data from the drive to be restored after the drive is reformatted.

Click the Format button.

Wait for the U3 Launchpad to be uninstalled.

NOTE: Do not remove the USB drive or shut down the computer until the process is complete.

Click the Done button.

Remove the USB drive.

When the USB drive is re-inserted, only one drive will appear.
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Revision History:

02.02.2009 - Updated article for the newest version of the U3 uninstaller. The old version can be viewed here. - Kevin

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