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  Types of High Speed Internet  
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Types of High Speed Internet (TTID #310)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 28,728 /  Created: January 28, 2004
Kbps - kilobits per second. KBps would be Kilobytes per second.
Mbps - megabits per second. MBps would be megabytes per second.
Gbps - gigabits per second. GBps would be Gigabytes per second.

Connection TypeSpeed
Frac T1 128Kbps
Frac T1 256Kbps
Frac T1 384Kbps
Frac T1 512Kbps
Frac T1 768Kbps
Frac T1 1024Kbps
T1 1.544 Mbps
T2 6.312 Mbps
T3 44.736 Mbps
T4 274.176 Mbps
OC1 51.840 Mbps
OC3 155.520 Mbps
OC9 466.560 Mbps
OC12 622.080 Mbps
OC24 1.244 Gbps
OC48 2.488 Gbps
OC96 4.976 Gbps
OC192 9.953 Gbps
OC256 13.271 Gbps
OC768 39.813 Gbps
OC3072 159.252 Gbps

DS = Digital Signal
OC = Optical Carrier

Note: In North America, T1 is a digital carrier for a DS1-formatted signal.

Revision History:

02.08.2004 - Improved layout. - Kevin

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