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  Create your own user-defined services Windows XP  
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Create your own user-defined services Windows XP (TTID #304)

Author: Travis   Views: 217,505 /  Created: January 2, 2004
This allow you to create a Windows user-defined service for Windows applications and some 16-bit applications (but not for batch files).

What is needed for Windows XP:
The files are included with Windows XP.

Windows XP
At a MS-DOS command prompt (Start | Run | "cmd.exe"), type the following commands:

Creating Services:
  Adding Service (Note: Space between binpath= and "C:\ has to be there.
  <path>\sc.exe create "Service Name" binPath= "C:\Your Program.exe"
  Removing Service
  <path>\sc.exe delete "Service Name"

Controlling Services:
  Starting Service
  <path>\sc.exe start "Service Name"
  Pausing Service
  <path>\sc.exe pause "Service Name"
  Stoping Service
  <path>\sc.exe stop "Service Name"

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