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  Video: Dell, you're getting a Stanley!  
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Video: Dell, you're getting a Stanley! (TTID #289)

Author: TACKtech Corp.   Views: 10,285 /  Created: September 11, 2003
Because we know you all love computer related videos we have decided to release a few. This is the first of a two part series. To view the second video see TTID#290. Enjoy!

We will post some pictures taken during the filming session, at a later date.

Title: Dell, you're getting a Stanley!
Producers: TACKtech Corp., CFMonster Corp.
Description: You'll laugh. You'll cry. Okay maybe not. We just don't want to spoil it for you.
File Size: 6.29MB
Play Length: 1 minute 14 seconds
Special Thanks: Canon Inc.
Dell, Inc.
Republic Waste Services
Sony Electronics
The Stanley Works
Requirements: DivX 5.1 Codec
(Note: If you have problems try using the DivX Player)
Download: Video: Dell, you're getting a Stanley!
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