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  Removing MSN Messenger from Windows XP (Updated)  
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Removing MSN Messenger from Windows XP (Updated) (TTID #288)

Author: Travis   Views: 980,136 /  Created: October 1, 2003
If you want to remove MSN Messenger from Windows XP and can't seem to find it in the Add/Remove Programs. You need to edit one file to have it displayed in Add/Remove Programs. There is a couple ways to uninstall MSN Messenger. One way is too run this command from Start | Run.

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Another way
Search for sysoc.inf. It should be located in the C:\windows\inf\
Edit the file with notepad.

Remove the word hide. Save the changes

Open Add/Remove Software.

Click on Add/Remove Windows Components and you can remove MSN Messenger. There is two services to remove everything.

You can now remove both services. They have a bug with the check boxes but it still works.

Revision History:

08.19.2003 - Original article. - Travis
10.01.2003 - Redesigned article and improved images. - Travis
10.03.2003 - Added Ref to command line. Thanks

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