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  REPLACED: Slipsteaming Service Pack 4 in to your install WIN2K CD  
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REPLACED: Slipsteaming Service Pack 4 in to your install WIN2K CD (TTID #277)

Author: Travis   Views: 113,697 /  Created: July 1, 2003
This article has been replaced with the following articles.

- View Slipstreaming Windows 2000/XP (TTID #295)
- View Creating Bootable Disc using Nero 6.0 (TTID #297)
- View Creating Bootable Disc using Nero 5.5 (TTID #296)

This will allow you to take a Windows 2000 without SP and integrate SP4. You will need a few things..

First Windows CD.
Second, SP4 which can be downloaded here. Network Install about 124MB
Third, the boot files which you can download here.
Fourth, CD Recording Software (I use Nero in this example to burn the CD.)
*Optional* Update the tools. Downloadable here. Goes in "E:\CD\CD-ROOT\SUPPORT\TOOLS\"

Created a folder called CD where you have at least 650MB of space. In this directory create a directory called CD-root and copy the whole Windows 2000 CD to this directory. Next extract the service pack with this command w2ksp4.exe -x and it will let you pick a directory to extract to. You should use E:\CD\win2ksp4. You can change the drive letter just keep it the same one in this whole process. Now extract the boot files in to a directory called bootfiles in the E:\CD directory.

Next you need to apply the service pack to the Windows 2000 data. Run this command.
E:\CD\win2ksp4\i386\UPDATE\UPDATE.EXE -S:E:\CD\CD-root

You can run this from command prompt or from Start | Run.

Once this is done and it's merged OK, it's time to get your boot files in order.

w2kboot.bin CD bootsector
CDROM_NT.5 NT5 CD Identifier file
CDROM_IP.5 Professional CD Identifier file
CDROM_IS.5 Server CD Identifier file
CDROM_IA.5 Advanced Server CD Identifier File
CDROM_ID.5 Datacenter CD Identifier File
CDROM_SP.TST Service Pack1 CD Identifier File
CDROMSP2.TST Service Pack2 CD Identifier File
CDROMSP3.TST Service Pack3 CD Identifier File
CDROMSP4.TST Service Pack4 CD Identifier File (Created by Service Pack Also)

You need to find the right CDROM_IX.5 file and .TST file for your CD to be bootable.. Every cd needs CDROM_NT.5 to boot. So you need to get three files total from this.
Move these files to the E:\CD\CD-Root\ directory

Move w2kboot.bin in to the E:\CD directory.

Next Start up Nero make sure your not using Express version and select CD-ROM (boot) from the menu. Also, make sure your not in the Nero Wizard.

Choose image file and browse to the E:\CD\w2kboot.bin file (in browse window set filter to All Files (*.*).
Check Enable expert settings
Set to No Emulation
Leave Boot message
Leave load segment
SET Number of loaded sectors to 4>

Set all setting to the same as the following picture.

Set the volume information to whatever you wish. We are using WIN2KSP4_EN in this example.
Click New

*Original English Windows 2000 Professional volume label is W2PFPP_EN.
*Original English Windows 2000 Server volume label is W2SFPP_EN.
*Original English Windows 2000 Advanced Server volume label is W2AFPP_EN.

Go with the file browser to E:\cd\cd-root and select all the folders and files in it.

Drag them to the other window ISO1.

When done press the Burn button.

Set all setting like this

Click the Write button.

Wait for CD creation to finish.

Click the OK button.

Now that you have burnt your CD you should be all set. Test it out and see how it works!

Revision History:

07.01.2003 - Created new article for SP4. - Travis

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