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  Add Game Controller to Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (NFSHP2)  
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Add Game Controller to Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (NFSHP2) (TTID #270)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 56,440 /  Created: May 27, 2003
When you launch Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (NFSHP2) you are prompted that your game controller is not specifically recognized.

Add your game controller to the configuration files using the steps that follow.

In the following example we will be adding the Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad USB version 1.0 game controller.

Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

Double-Click the Game Controllers icon.

Record what your game controller is detected as.

Open Windows Explorer.

Browse to your Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2\controllers folder.

Default is:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2\Controllers

Open the two files definitions.ini and defaults.ini.

Scroll to the bottom of defaults.ini file.

Record the last joystick number.

Created a new section with one greater number then above.

Add your game controller information.

Save file.

Exit Notepad.

[joystick 47]
name = sidewinder game pad usb version 1.0
InputRight = axis 1
InputLeft = axis 0
InputGas = button 0
InputBrake = button 1

InputHandBrake = button 6
InputCycleCamera = button 5
InputHorn = button 7
InputReset = button 9
InputLookBehind = button 2
InputShiftUp = button 3
InputShiftDown = button 4

InputCallBackUp = key SC_B
InputCallRoadBlock = key SC_R
InputCallCopter = key SC_C
InputLookLeft = key SC_COMMA
InputLookRight = key SC_PERIOD
InputGear_Reverse =.key SC_MINUS
InputGear_Neutral = key SC_O
InputGear_1 = key SC_1
InputGear_2 = key SC_2
InputGear_3 = key SC_3
InputGear_4 = key SC_4
InputGear_5 = key SC_5
InputGear_6 = key SC_6

Scroll to the bottom of definitions.ini file.

Record the last joystick number.

Created a new section with one greater number then above.
(This should be one less than the joystick number you added to the defaults.ini)

Add your game controller configuration information.
(Customize as you see fit.)

Save file.

Exit Notepad.

[joystick 46]
name = SideWinder Game Pad USB version 1.0
button0 = kTxtButton1
button1 = kTxtButton2
button2 = kTxtButton3
button3 = kTxtButton4
button4 = kTxtButton5
button5 = kTxtButton6
button6 = kTxtButton7
button7 = kTxtButton8
button8 = kTxtButton9
button9 = kTxtButton10

axis0 = 0,left,127,0,kTxtLeftJoystickLeft
axis1 = 0,right,127,255,kTxtLeftJoystickRight
axis2 = 1,up,127,0,kTxtLeftJoystickUp
axis3 = 1,down,127,255,kTxtLeftJoystickDown

Your game controller should now be properly recognized.

If you need to restore the controller files

- Download the original controller files (

- Unzip them to
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2\Controllers

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