Microsoft Windows Me: Retail Full, Upgrade, and Step-Up |
Author: TACKtech Team
Views: 24,743 /
Created: August 8, 2001
Retail Full CD Part No.X05-60884
Retail Upgrade CD Part No.X05-60892 (unconfirmed)
Retail Step-Up CD Part No.X05-60892
The Retail Full version ships with a 3.5" Boot diskette.
The Full and Step-Up versions shipped with identical manuals. (confirmed)
The Upgrade and Step-Up versions shipped with identical manuals. (unconfirmed)
The Product Keys between the Full and Step-Up verions are not interchangeable. (confirmed)
The Step-Up version can be loaded onto a formatted hard drive partition. You will be prompted for a Windows98 disc when doing a clean install. A Window95 CD disc will not work.
<begin cd compare>
Differences between the Retail Full, Upgrade, and Step-Up Versions
.\win9x\format.com (only on Full)
(** NOTE: format.com can be found in .\win9x\base2.cab\ebd.cab **)
.\win9x\oemsetup.bin (only on Full)
.\win9x\oemsetup.exe (only on Full)
setuppp.inf (different/same time)
ProductType=1 (Full) Line 422
UPI=24264-XXX-XXXXXXX (Full) Line 423
ProductType=2 (Upgrade) Line 422
ProductType=2 (Step-Up) Line 422
UPI=79469-XXX-XXXXXXX (Step-Up) Line 423
setupx.dll (different/same time)
Hex Offset 000A7B4B - 32 (Full) 33 (Upgrade) 33 (Step-Up)
Hex Offset 000A7B55 - 31 (Full) 32 (Upgrade) 32 (Step-Up)
Hex Offset 000A7B69 - 30 (Full) 30 (Upgrade) 31 (Step-Up)
Hex Offset 000A7B6A - 31 (Full) 32 (Upgrade) 32 (Step-Up)
suwin.exe (different/same time)
Hex Offset 0006B4F8 - 30 (Full) 30 (Upgrade) 31 (Step-Up)
Hex Offset 0006B4F9 - 31 (Full) 32 (Upgrade) 32 (Step-Up)
.\win9x\w9xsetup.bin (different/same time)
Hex Offset 000223C2 - 30 (Full) 30 (Upgrade) 31 (Step-Up)
Hex Offset 000223C3 - 31 (Full) 32 (Upgrade) 32 (Step-Up)
<end cd compare>
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