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  Creating a bootable Windows XP SP1a CD (Nero 5) on D: Drive  
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Creating a bootable Windows XP SP1a CD (Nero 5) on D: Drive (TTID #249)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 72,197 /  Created: February 9, 2003
You will need the following items:

1.) A copy of the original Windows XP CD or ISO
2.) Network Installation of SP1 for Windows XP
   Windows XP SP1 ~125MB
3.) The boot files ( ~1.34KB)
4.) CD Recording Software (Ahead Nero was used in this example)
5.) A computer running Windows 2000 or Windows XP (Home/Professional).
6.) (optional) The updated Windows
   Windows XP SP1a Deploy Tools) ~1.7MB

* If you are using an older version of Nero please read TTID# 177.

* If you have an ISA SCSI Controller please read TTID# 238.

* If receive an error message while following the instructions please read TTID# 184.

Created a folder called XP on your hard drive (D: is used in this example). A minimum of 800MB is required. In this folder create three sub-folder called CD-ROOT, XP-BOOT, and XP-SP1a. The end result will look something like the following image.

Copy the entire Windows XP CD (or extract the ISO) into folder CD-ROOT.

Optional Step 1: Rename or delete D:\XP\CD-ROOT\SUPPORT\TOOLS\

Optional Step 2: Copy the downloaded to the folder D:\XP\CD-ROOT\SUPPORT\TOOLS\.

Optional Step 3: Rename to

Note: The file name varies with different languages. The English file name was used above. For a complete list of file names see TTID# 214.

Copy your Service Pack 1 file into D:\XP

Rename the Service Pack file to XP-SP1a.EXE

Click Start > Run...

Type in the following command in the Open text box:

Click the OK button.

Files will extract. Dialog will close when complete.

To apply the Service Pack 1 to the Windows XP in CD-ROOT

Click Start > Run...

Type in the following command in the Open text box:

Click the OK button.

When integrated install has completed successfully, click the OK button.

Extract the BootSector file (boot.ima) from
in to the folder D:\XP\XP-BOOT

Start Nero - Burning Rom.

Select File > New... from the menu.

Start Nero - Burning Rom.

If the Nero Wizard starts, click the Close Wizard button.

1.) Select CD-ROM (Boot)
2.) Select Image file from Source of boot image data
3.) Set Kind of emulation: to No Emulation
4.) Set Load segment of sectors (hex!): to 07C0
5.) Set Number of loaded sectors: to 4
6.) Press the Browse... button

Select All Files (*.*) from File of type:

Locate the BootSector file (boot.ima) in the folder D:\XP\XP-BOOT

Set File-/Directory length to ISO Level 1 (Max. of 11 = 8 + 3 chars)

Set Format to Mode 1

Set Character Set to ISO 9660

Check the Joliet check box

Check all Relax ISO Restrictions

Select ISO9660 from the drop down box.

Enter the Volume Label as WXPVOL_EN

Enter the System Identifier as WXPVOL_EN

Enter the Volume Set as WXPVOL_EN

Enter the Publisher as MICROSOFT_CORPORATION

Enter the Data Preparer as MICROSOFT_CORPORATION

Enter the Application as WXPVOL_EN

- View Windows XP SP0 CD Labels (TTID#226)
- View Windows XP SP1 CD Labels (TTID#283)
- View Windows XP SP1a/SP2 CD Labels (TTID#312)

Select Use the date and time from the original file from File Dates

Check Write

Check Finalize CD (No further writing possible!)

Set Write Method to Disc-At-Once. (We have had Track-At-Once work as well.)

Locate the folder D:\XP\CD-ROOT

Select everything in the folder and drag it to the ISO compilation panel.

Click the Write CD Dialog button.

Click the Write button

Wait for CD creation to finish.

Click OK

Process complete. You're done.

Revision History:

01.09.2003 - Created new article for SP1a. - Travis

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