Author: TACKtech Team
Views: 6,953 /
Created: January 19, 2003
Adding a network protocol to your Locol Area Connection, on a computer running Windows XP.
* In this tutorial the NWLink protocol will be added.
* In this tutorial C: is the system drive and D: is the CD-ROM.
Click Start > Run...
Type control ncpa.cpl into the Open: textbox.
Click on the OK button.
Right-Click on the Local Area Connection icon.
Left-Click on the Properties menu item.
Click on the Install... button.
Click Protocol in the Click the type of network component you want to install: selection box.
Click on the Add... button.
Select NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol from the Network Protocol: list.
Click on the OK button.
The NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol will be shown in the list.
Click on the Close button.
Close the Network Connections window.
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Revision History:
02.08.2009 - Completed the updating of the images. - Kevin
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