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  Adding the NetBEUI Protocol to a PC with Windows XP  
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Adding the NetBEUI Protocol to a PC with Windows XP (TTID #233)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 7,502 /  Created: December 31, 2002
Install the NetBEUI network protocol on to a computer running Windows XP.

NOTE: NetBEUI (NBF) is a non-routable protocol suitable for small networks. Support for this protocol in Microsoft Windows has been discontinued. If you are instructed by the Product Support Personnel to install this protocol as a temporary measure, follow the instructions below.

* In this tutorial C: is the system drive and D: is the CD-ROM.

Insert your Windows XP CD into your CD-ROM.

Open Windows Explorer.

Browse to the folder D:\VALUEADD\MSFT\NET\NETBEUI

Open a second copy of Windows Explorer.

Browse to the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers

Drag/Copy the NBF.SYS from the CD to the drivers folder on the system drive.

Using the second Windows Explorer, Browse to the folder C:\WINDOWS\inf

Drag/Copy the NETNBF.INF from the CD to the inf folder on the system drive.

Close all instances of Windows Explorer.

Click Start > Run...

Type control ncpa.cpl into the Open: textbox.

Click on the OK button.

Right-Click on the Local Area Connection icon.

Left-Click on the Properties menu item.

Click on the Install... button.

Click Protocol in the Click the type of network component you want to install: selection box.

Click on the Add... button.

Select NetBEUI Protocol from the Network Protocol: list.

Click on the OK button.

The NetBEUI Protocol will be shown in the list.

Click on the Close button.

Close the Network Connections window.

Revision History:

02.08.2009 - Completed the updating of the images. - Kevin

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