Slipstreaming Office XP Enterprise SP3 |
Author: Travis
Views: 73,324 /
Created: December 23, 2002
Read this article in Czech.
First you will need to download OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-enu.exe from Microsoft. Create a directory <Drive>:\SP3. Copy the service pack file to this Directory. Rename the file to officexpsp3.exe
It can be downloaded from Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 832671.
To determine if you have the Enterprise Edition of Office XP see article TTID#194.
Run <CD Drive>:\setup.exe /A
It may pause here for a minute while working on install.
Enter Organization, Install Directory, and Product Key. Note: Install Directory is where to store files until you burn them.
Agree to End User License.
Working on creating files.
Dialog changes still working.
Finished with extraction.
Extract the Service Pack Files.
<Drive>:\sp3\officexpsp3.exe /C /T:<Drive>:\sp3 /Q
Now you need to run two commands from Start | Run or Command Prompt. These two commands will end with no finished dialog they will just stop.
msiexec /p <Drive>:\sp3\mainsp3ff.msp /a <drive>:\officeXP\proplus.msi shortfilenames=1 /qb
msiexec /p <Drive>:\sp3\Owc10SP3ff.msp /a <Drive>:\officeXP\OWC10.MSI shortfilenames=1 /qb
Process almost complete just burn the contents of <Drive>:\OfficeXP to a CD.
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Revision History:
12.23.2002 - Created Article - Travis
05.27.2004 - Updated Article for SP3 and added 1 image. - Travis
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