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  Doom III Video and Play Options  
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Doom III Video and Play Options (TTID #213)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 29,419 /  Created: November 1, 2002
Use the following commands to change resolution from within the console:

seta r_mode "0" 320x240
seta r_mode "1" 400x300
seta r_mode "2" 512x386
seta r_mode "3" 640x480
seta r_mode "4" 800x600
seta r_mode "5" 1024x768
seta r_mode "6" 1152x864
seta r_mode "7" 1280x1024
seta r_mode "8" 1600x1200
seta r_mode "9" ?x?

vid_restart - Used to restarted video with new settings

To Toggle full screen mode from the console:

seta r_fullscreen "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"

vid_restart - Used to restarted video with new settings

To Toggle Mouse:

seta m_pitch "0.022" :Normal mouse
seta m_pitch "-0.022" :Inverse mouse

To Toggle 3rd Person View:

pm_thirdperson 0
pm_thirdperson 1

Choosing your video card options:

seta r_useParhelia "0"
seta r_useNV20 "1"
seta r_useNV30 "0"

For slow video cards try:

seta com_maxfps "30" (*default is 0)
seta r_useStandardGL "1" (*default is 0)
seta r_shadows "0" (*default is 1)
seta r_colorbits "16" (*default is 32)
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1" (*default is 0)
seta r_mode "0" (*default is 3)
seta r_fullscreen "1"

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