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  Usage of old 3dfx Voodoo 3000 AGP cards (Part 2)  
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Usage of old 3dfx Voodoo 3000 AGP cards (Part 2) (TTID #183)

Author: Kevin   Views: 21,436 /  Created: September 15, 2002
This is a continuation of Usage of old 3dfx Voodoo 3000 AGP cards (Part 1).

When you last seen our poor Voodoo 3000 it looked something like the image below. You are probably curious what we are going to do with it.

To give a hint these are the tools used in this part of the project. A hacksaw, multi-tool, and file.

What we are interested in is the GPU and the surrounding PCB.

We begin by making a few cuts along the GPU using the hacksaw.

Next, several cuts were made to remove the remaining unwanted PCB. We kept part of the PCB near one of the holes used by the heat sink retention clips. This part was a little tricky.

We then filed the edges smooth. Note: You may want to use some thing to seal the edges afterwards.

Using the multi-tool we attached the GPU to the key chain.

The end result looks like this.

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