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  ColdFusion MX Multi-Homing Issue  
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ColdFusion MX Multi-Homing Issue (TTID #144)

Author: Travis   Views: 9,932 /  Created: July 29, 2002
Problem: Servers running multi-homed websites having caching problems.

Solution: According to Macromedia release notes article there is a ProxyService that is set to run that can cause problems with multi-homed sites caching bad data. To solve the problem edit your
file and look for this option near the bottom of the file.

<!-- set this to false for multi-hosted sites -->
<attribute name="cacheRealPath">true</attribute>

Change this option to false and restart Macromedia ColdFusion MX and test it out. This should solve your problems.
Notes about this change:

Changing to false will slightly decrease your speed performance.

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