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  Need For Speed PU (PC)  
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Need For Speed PU (PC) (TTID #133)

Author: TACKtech Team   Views: 11,363 /  Created: June 6, 2002
Official cheats for NFS:PU (PC)

Select create a player mode and enter the player name as one of the following names (You will hear a confirmation sound when the cheat has been excepted). Then choose your regular profile and play the game.

Note: Cheat Codes are case sensitive.

Code Effect
Dakar Drive with Rally physics
Gulliver Makes all cars tiny with radio control antennas.
yraGyraG Enables all cars to have 933 physics.
fetherw8 Makes cars way heavier.
Fuzzyfuz Enables cops in quick race (Cops may not appear on all tracks: I.E.-Monaco).
Smash Up Enables smash-up derby mode. In multiplayer,everyone drives on skidpad. If you get 30% damage on all areas of your car(not including roof or floor), you get "knocked out."
Booster for Speed
Go to the (Single Player mode) and put in "freewill" as your name. Now, you do you can double your speed in every race, breaking every record.
Get More Money:
Purchase a used car and choose an "Overall" repair. When completed, sell the car. The value of the car will be higher than the purchase price and the cost of the repairs.
All cars and tracks:
Enter multi-player mode and select the "Peer To Peer" option, but race alone.

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