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  Microsoft Windows XP Versions Comparision  
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Microsoft Windows XP Versions Comparision (TTID #102)

Author: Kevin   Views: 63,822 /  Created: May 9, 2002

Thinking about upgrading to Microsoft Windows XP?

Before you run out and buy it there are a few things you should keep in mind.
  • Your hardware may not be supported. Before you upgrade, check the Microsoft Hardware Compatibility List.
  • Not everything runs under Microsoft Windows XP. If you have older games or software they are not guaranteed to work. You should first check the makers of your software to find out if it is supported on the Windows XP platform.
  • You may not have a powerful enough computer. Microsoft recommends a PC 300MHz or faster with 128MB of RAM, 1.5GBs of available hard drive space, and a video adapter and monitor capable of displaying Super VGA (800 × 600) or higher-resolution.
Also, don't forget to check with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to find out if you will need a new version of their software.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way, you need to decided on which version of Windows XP you should purchase.

If you do not have your previous version of Windows on CD you should consider purchasing the full version of the software. Intending on doing an install Windows XP without loading your older Windows version? If you have a recovery CD they do not always work as a qualifier during the installation. If this is the case you should purchase the Full version as well.

Now, you might ask "Should I purchase Windows XP Professional of Windows XP Home?"
Windows XP Professional contains everything Windows XP Home has plus several additional features including: Remote Desktop, Network Domain support, and the Encrypting File System (EFS). For more in depth information regarding advantages of Windows XP view Microsoft list of differences.

Already have Windows XP and need help identifying which version you have? Check out the following articles for help.

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