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  Email Applications Technical Updates [Page: 15 of 36] @ TACKtech Corp.  

02.22.2007 - The Exchange 2003 database does not mount, and event IDs 9518 and 9519 are logged in the Application log (KB930241)

View Microsoft-Exchange related news. After applying a version of Store.exe that is later than 06.05.7651.26 on a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, the Exchange databases may fail to mount if the security descriptor of the database object has been modified to include a well-known user or group and more than one domain exists in the forest. This problem can also occur if a security identifier (SID) in the database object has conflicting values with another object in Active Directory directory service for one of the following attributes: objectSID, msExchMasterAccountSid, SIDHistory.
Full View / NID: 14937 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

02.12.2007 - Cloudmark Desktop V3.0.2 for Microsoft Outlook® Express®

View Cloudmark related news. Only Cloudmark has the power to apply human feedback in real time to block spam, phishing, and additionally many viruses and spyware. Leveraging a highly sophisticated Trust Evaluation System™ (TeS) and groundbreaking technology, feedback is corroborated in real time, so that only a few people ever have to see a spam email before it is blocked for everyone. Cloudmark Desktop is entirely transparent and requires no configuration, making it powerful, yet simple and easy to use.
Full View / NID: 14854 / Submitted by: Olmari

02.12.2007 - Cloudmark Desktop 5.0.2 for Microsoft® Outlook®

View Cloudmark related news. Only Cloudmark has the power to apply human feedback in real time to block spam, phishing, and additionally many viruses and spyware. Leveraging a highly sophisticated Trust Evaluation System™ (TeS) and groundbreaking technology, feedback is corroborated in real time, so that only a few people ever have to see a spam email before it is blocked for everyone. Cloudmark Desktop is entirely transparent and requires no configuration, making it powerful, yet simple and easy to use.
Full View / NID: 14853 / Submitted by: Olmari

02.07.2007 - Microsoft Exchange Calendar Update Tool

View Microsoft-Exchange related news. The Exchange Calendar Update Tool enables administrators to update, using the Time Zone Data Update Tool for Microsoft® Office Outlook®, multiple user mailboxes, thereby avoiding the challenges involved with broadly deploying the Outlook Time Zone Data Update Tool to all end-users.
Full View / NID: 14756 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.16.2007 - Microsoft Internet Information Services Debug Diagnostic Tool v1.1

View Microsoft-Exchange related news. The Debug Diagnostic Tool (DebugDiag) is designed to assist in troubleshooting issues such as hangs, slow performance, memory leaks or fragmentation, and crashes in any Win32 user-mode process. The tool includes additional debugging scripts focused on Internet Information Services (IIS) applications, web data access components, COM+ and related Microsoft technologies.
Full View / NID: 14366 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.16.2007 - Update for Daylight Saving Time changes in 2007 for Exchange 2003 (KB 926666)

View Microsoft-Exchange related news. Starting in the spring of 2007, Daylight Saving Time (DST) start and end dates for the United States will transition to comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005. DST dates in the United States will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November).
Full View / NID: 14365 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.04.2007 - Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress Tool (64 bit)

View Microsoft-Exchange related news. Use Jetstress to verify the performance and stability of a disk subsystem prior to putting an Exchange server into production. Jetstress helps verify disk performance by simulating Exchange disk Input/Output (I/O) load. Specifically, Jetstress simulates the Exchange database and log file loads produced by a specific number of users. You use Performance Monitor, Event Viewer, and ESEUTIL in conjunction with Jetstress to verify that your disk subsystem meets or exceeds the performance criteria you establish. After a successful completion of the Jetstress Disk Performance and Stress Tests in a non-production environment, you will have ensured that your Exchange disk subsystem is adequately sized (in terms of performance criteria you establish) for the user count and user profiles you have established. It is highly recommended that the Jetstress user read through the tool documentation before using the tool.
Full View / NID: 14237 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

01.04.2007 - Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Stress and Performance Tool (32 bit)

View Microsoft-Exchange related news. Use Microsoft Exchange Server Stress and Performance (ESP), a highly scalable stress and performance tool for Exchange, to simulate large numbers of client sessions by concurrently accessing one or more protocol servers. ESP includes multiple modules that you can use to simulate a wide variety of protocols and loads. You can run modules concurrently from multiple hosts, thereby more realistically simulating physically separate client machines. There is no limit to the number of computers on your network that can host ESP modules.
Full View / NID: 14236 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

12.27.2006 - RitLabs: The Bat! v3.95.06 Professional/Home Christmas Edition

View TheBat related news. The Bat! is a powerful, highly configurable, yet easy to use email client. We've designed it especially to help you deal with your growing volume of email as quickly and efficiently as possible, saving much of your precious time.
Full View / NID: 14088 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

12.26.2006 - IceWarp Ltd.: Merak Email Server Windows for Microsoft Windows 8.9.1

View IceWarp related news. A multiple award winner, Merak Email Server is a reliable, easy to use and affordable communication solution that is used by more than 30 million users worldwide. This powerful server solution contains every feature, module and extension you might desire and yet is extremely easy to administer. Merak Email Server is available in predefined packages that are scalable to suit your business growth. All packages are available with an unlimited license....
Full View / NID: 14080 / Submitted by: Sarrgon

12.22.2006 - RitLabs: The Bat! v3.95.03 Professional/Home Christmas Edition

View TheBat related news. The Bat! is a powerful, highly configurable, yet easy to use email client. We've designed it especially to help you deal with your growing volume of email as quickly and efficiently as possible, saving much of your precious time.
Full View / NID: 14051 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

12.20.2006 - RitLabs: The Bat! v3.95.01 Professional/Home Christmas Edition

View TheBat related news. The Bat! is a powerful, highly configurable, yet easy to use email client. We've designed it especially to help you deal with your growing volume of email as quickly and efficiently as possible, saving much of your precious time.
Full View / NID: 13999 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

12.19.2006 - Cloudmark Desktop V3.0.1 for Microsoft Outlook® Express®

View Cloudmark related news. Only Cloudmark has the power to apply human feedback in real time to block spam, phishing, and additionally many viruses and spyware. Leveraging a highly sophisticated Trust Evaluation System™ (TeS) and groundbreaking technology, feedback is corroborated in real time, so that only a few people ever have to see a spam email before it is blocked for everyone. Cloudmark Desktop is entirely transparent and requires no configuration, making it powerful, yet simple and easy to use.
Full View / NID: 14024 / Submitted by: Olmari

12.19.2006 - Cloudmark Desktop 5.0.1 for Microsoft® Outlook®

View Cloudmark related news. Only Cloudmark has the power to apply human feedback in real time to block spam, phishing, and additionally many viruses and spyware. Leveraging a highly sophisticated Trust Evaluation System™ (TeS) and groundbreaking technology, feedback is corroborated in real time, so that only a few people ever have to see a spam email before it is blocked for everyone. Cloudmark Desktop is entirely transparent and requires no configuration, making it powerful, yet simple and easy to use.
Full View / NID: 14023 / Submitted by: Olmari

12.19.2006 - Mozilla Thunderbird

View Mozilla-Thunderbird related news. Mozilla's Thunderbird mail client is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component. Its goal is to produce a cross-platform, standalone mail application using XUL. It is modeled after the Mozilla Firebird rewrite of the Mozilla browser. The intended customer is someone who uses Mozilla Firebird (or another non-Mozilla browser) as his or her primary browser and who wants a mail client based on Mozilla that plays nice with that browser. Some of the new features in version 0.8 are a smaller and faster Windows installer, new themes, the Extension Manager, and the Crash Analysis Tool (Talkback). Thunderbird now supports a user interface for creating multiple identities for each e-mail account.
Full View / NID: 14002 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

11.22.2006 - IceWarp Ltd.: Merak Email Server Windows for Microsoft Windows 8.9.0

View IceWarp related news. A multiple award winner, Merak Email Server is a reliable, easy to use and affordable communication solution that is used by more than 30 million users worldwide. This powerful server solution contains every feature, module and extension you might desire and yet is extremely easy to administer. Merak Email Server is available in predefined packages that are scalable to suit your business growth. All packages are available with an unlimited license....
Full View / NID: 13534 / Submitted by: Sarrgon

11.21.2006 - Cloudmark Desktop V3.0 for Microsoft Outlook® Express®

View Cloudmark related news. Only Cloudmark has the power to apply human feedback in real time to block spam, phishing, and additionally many viruses and spyware. Leveraging a highly sophisticated Trust Evaluation System™ (TeS) and groundbreaking technology, feedback is corroborated in real time, so that only a few people ever have to see a spam email before it is blocked for everyone. Cloudmark Desktop is entirely transparent and requires no configuration, making it powerful, yet simple and easy to use.
Full View / NID: 13546 / Submitted by: Olmari

11.21.2006 - Cloudmark Desktop 5.0 for Microsoft® Outlook®

View Cloudmark related news. Only Cloudmark has the power to apply human feedback in real time to block spam, phishing, and additionally many viruses and spyware. Leveraging a highly sophisticated Trust Evaluation System™ (TeS) and groundbreaking technology, feedback is corroborated in real time, so that only a few people ever have to see a spam email before it is blocked for everyone. Cloudmark Desktop is entirely transparent and requires no configuration, making it powerful, yet simple and easy to use.
Full View / NID: 13545 / Submitted by: Olmari

11.07.2006 - Mozilla Thunderbird

View Mozilla-Thunderbird related news. Mozilla's Thunderbird mail client is a redesign of the Mozilla mail component. Its goal is to produce a cross-platform, standalone mail application using XUL. It is modeled after the Mozilla Firebird rewrite of the Mozilla browser. The intended customer is someone who uses Mozilla Firebird (or another non-Mozilla browser) as his or her primary browser and who wants a mail client based on Mozilla that plays nice with that browser. Some of the new features in version 0.8 are a smaller and faster Windows installer, new themes, the Extension Manager, and the Crash Analysis Tool (Talkback). Thunderbird now supports a user interface for creating multiple identities for each e-mail account.
Full View / NID: 13331 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team

10.01.2006 - Spam Bully for Outlook Express

View SpamBully related news. Spambully utilizes the latest technology which learns from spammers messages and continually adjusts its spam filter to protect your mailbox. Using proactive rather than reactive methods for eliminating spams, it can block over 99% of spam in most cases.
Full View / NID: 12650 / Submitted by: TACKtech Team
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